Saturday, January 26, 2019

In Print, January 2019 (and Progress)

Almost at the end of the month – things have been hectic for one reason or another, but there are actually a few things to report. Mythic #8 was published on the 23rd of January, featuring my short story Dust Mote, a near-future space piece of catastrophe and rescue. The digital and paperback editions are now available, click here.

Back around the beginning of the month,, the creative blog of Kristy Ferrin, published my fantasy short The Cursed Throne, one of my “Avestium” cycle of stores. You can read for free with a click here.

Heroic Fantasy Quarterly bought my short Tymass by Ringlight, second of my “Derros of Malovar” sword-and-planet tales (the first is still short-listed at Skelos). It should be publishing soon, so links next time. This story went through two rounds of rewrites and grew by some thousands of words, so is over twice the size of the as yet unpublished first outing.

And my Victorian tale of unease “Silver Scales” picked up a short-listing at the magazine Electric Spec – fingers crossed!

Placements have certainly been slow/quiet over the last few months, here’s hoping they pick up soon!

Cheers, Mike Adamson

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Looking Back from the Third Anniversary

It’s January 7th on this side of the dateline – three years exactly since I launched this assault upon the fiction marketplace. It’s always interesting to review progress at this time of year.

Overall: After 1068 days, I now have a total of 1089 submissions, 66 placements (16.5:1 subs/acceptance ratio), 68 stories on submission at this time (record still 81), thus 955 rejections (14.46:1 rejections/acceptance ratio).

In calendar year 2018, I made 353 submissions, receiving 26 placements (14.57:1 submissions/placement, or an acceptance rate of 7.36%, slightly down from last year’s 8.16%).

Average time between acceptances in Year Three was 13.69 days, up from 11.4 last year (32 acceptances).

In professional terms, I now have 12 full pro placements, though two are reprints in a pro anthology, generating a different pay scale than their initial run.

Productivity is way down, just 20 stories this year (down from 62 in 2017), totalling 130, 695 words (down from 247, 782 words previously). I have over 170 stories registered at Submission Grinder.

Real life tends to get in the way, the pressures of making a crust by means other than the highly competitive and occasional nature of receiving decent wedge from writing, plus of course teaching and home responsibilities. I would have liked to continue to churn out stories at the pace of the two previous years, but this year I have perhaps written a greater number of longer pieces, and marketed the whole opus more intensively. A cynical view may be that greater effort resulted in a lesser return, and this is true on the face of it. However, with a larger pool of stories to work with I can afford to market more intensively and always have material in hand – there are over fifty stories not on submission at this moment, and many choice marketplaces are either temporarily closed or on themed volumes.

I have a third placement with Compelling Science Fiction, in addition to reprints of my two earlier stories in their first hardback anthology. During this year I placed a flash short with the prestigious Nature/Futures, as well as with the exclusive Daily SF, and scored a fifth placement with Lovecraftiana, due out in a few weeks.

The outlook for the fourth year is difficult to predict, but I will do everything in my power to come as closer to 100 placements one year from today as possible. My first story for 2019 is already done and will be on its way to an anthology shortly, and my next writing task is defined, another anthology piece.

As ever, catch development here as they occur!

Cheers, Mike Adamson

Header image from royalty-free source.