There is always a great sense of accomplishment when a
contributor’s copy arrives, but sometimes it’s extra-special. The photo above
shows the inaugural hard-back collection from Compelling Science Fiction, the pro marketplace which has now
published three of my stories. Two (Cogito,
Ergo Sum and Hostile Intent) are
reprinted here, I’m one of only two writers with two pieces in this volume, and
that’s another great compliment to my writing. To say I’m thrilled to hold this
book in my hands is an understatement, and it will be proudly displayed on my “brag
shelf” forevermore!
This volume was produced as a Kickstarter venture, which ran
beyond its goals and has been a resounding success. All credit to the tireless
efforts of editor Joe Stech, who has helped launch new writing talent in the marketplace
in the two years-plus Compelling has
been in action – I certainly consider myself among them.
Also launching this month is Future Visions #3, the third in this quarterly anthology serries,
brainchild of editor Brian J. Walton. Released in electronic and physical
formats, think of FV as a bumper
science fiction magazine produced in book format (reminiscent of the fabulous
old New Writings in SF series that
ran to thirty-something paperback volumes in the ‘70s-‘80s period – I certainly
hope FV encounters equal
success!) My story A Lament for Marla, a dystopian piece looking at climate
reclamation efforts in a harsh future Australia , appears here for the
first time.
Here’s the direct link to the paperback at Amazon (US).
As a point of interest, click my author link in the line of
featured writers appearing in the Amazon page for this volume – there’s someone else by the same name whose material gets
mixed in with mine, but you’ll find links to twenty publications featuring my
I have a fistful of short-listings in play, 65 placements,
66 stories out, and over fifty pieces
neither placed nor on submission at this time – but more on the statistics when
I do my third anniversary post in a few weeks.
Cheers, Mike Adamson