Wednesday, October 31, 2018

In Print, November 2018 (and Progress)

There was no corresponding post last month – many apologies, but October seemed to be a frustrating month all round, what with tying up the anthropology course at the university and things being generally slow on the writing front.

There were two placements, The Devil’s Bride at the pro venue Abyss & Apex (to be published as Scans at the suggestion of the editor) and the slightly rewritten Last Stop Paradise at Stupefying Stories. Nothing actually came out last month – well, Walking on Titan appeared in Aurealis 116 on the 30th, but I felt it was a good leader for this month’s update. Interestingly, they gave my piece leader slot in promotional blurbs, and had an artist illustrate it with a colour header piece! You can order and download via Smashwords here.

I presently have 71 submission in play, with more than 1030 in total, 64 placements, and am still hopeful of coming close to matching last year’s overall performance.

The first big anthology from Compelling Science Fiction is due soon, there’ll be an update when it’s released.

Cheers, Mike Adamson