Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Progress on a Few Fronts


Just two placements this month (okay, there might be one tomorrow!), A Sherlock Holmes piece, “The Babbington Inheritance,” for A Year of Mystery 1886 (Belanger Books), plus a science fiction short/long flash, “Sunrise on Eris,” for Rhapsody of the Spheres from Third Flatiron. This latter is my twenty-first professional-rates placement.

However, during this month I have also completed a lengthy interview with Steve Southard, “Poseidon's Scribe,” which will be going live soon. This was a real opportunity as it gave me the chance to showcase all my main areas of endeavour, Sherlock Holmes writing, Tales of the Middle Stars and so much more. I'll post a link when it's open.

EDIT—It's open! Read it here!

Latest news on A Tradition of Evil is that the publishers are aiming for a July release, so before long my first novel will be on the shelves! Once again, I'll post the moment it's live at Amazon.

I've not done much composition lately, with writing effort at the moment going into the textual material for a brand new dedicated author website, coming in the not too distant future. This will feature essays, listings, purchase links, free reads, lashings of artwork and so forth.

More news as it breaks!

Mike Adamson