I can hardly believe
it's been months since I posted! I'm not sure what happened, though
the caveat of “I've been busy” certainly applies.
Picking up from my
hundredth placement, reported a post or two below, I can say I'm
currently on 115, seventeen at pro rates. Now, several of these are
non-paying reprints in a series of anthologies from the Australian
outfit Black Hare, the “Lockdown” series created to provide a
wealth of reading material for fans of the speculative genres in this
time of global pandemic. Folks need something to read while they're
indoors, and though in many parts of Australia the lockdown has
eased, there are others where the reverse is very much true and the
series of anthologies is continuing apace. Here is the sales page for
all the Black Hare volumes:
Back on April 21st,
three of my pieces were accepted for Lock Down Sci-Fi, these
being reprints of Rex, Dreamworld and North of 25, the
latter two being “Middle Stars” stories, and the first appearing
in the third volume (not yet out). Then a week later, my Victorian
mystery The White Calf and the Wind was picked up by the pro
market Hybrid Fiction (due
for publication in September), bringing me to four for the
May opened with my
flash The View from Dystopia being picked up by Shelter of
Daylight from Hiraeth Books, formerly Alban Lake, edition still
forthcoming. Then I promptly placed two more reprints with Black
Hare, this time for the Horror series, The Forgotten
Supremo and Fury Never Dies. Toward the end of the month I
placed an extra with their Sci-Fi series, Dreamlogger.
This was another four placement month in a row.
June turned out to be
my best month ever, with six placements. The month kicked off with
the pro market Little Blue Marble picking up my flash
Solitude, in Silent Sun, and asking for a rewrite which almost
doubled its length. The story went live on July 17th, read it free
here: https://littlebluemarble.ca/2020/07/17/solitude-in-silent-sun/
. Ten days later, No Sleep Podcast picked up a reprint of my
SF/horror piece Fear of the Dark, which will be assembled as
an audio recording. Then I had placements every couple of days, first
Andromeda Spaceways picked up my “Middle Stars” piece
Strangers on the Shore, which was published today, August 1st
2020. Click here to find the sales page
. Next, Heroic Fantasy Quarterly closed the deal on my fantasy
piece The Silver Light of Forever, which had gone through a
couple of rounds of rewriting with them and is due to appear in their
47th edition, in February next year. One day later the
anthology Unbound IV picked up The Purslane Menace, my
John Wyndham tribute piece, and a few days later an SF piece on a
pseudonym found a berth with a US outlet, these latter still to
July was quiet, to
balance out all that action, just a single score, my Lovecraftian
piece A Dream of Swords and Blossoms was taken on by
Lovecraftiana for the Walpurgisnacht edition next year.
Deep Sea, from
Black Hare, which took my story Prophecy of the Beast on March
1st, has also been released, you can find the order page
Pole To Pole's anthology Twenty Thousand Leagues Remembered also released in July, with my story The Silent Agenda, you can find the volume here: https://poletopolepublishing.com/books/20000-leagues-remembered/
And last but not least,
Eldritch Dream Realms, from Hiraeth was released in July,
featuring my story The Golden Land, placed in October last
year. Here's the sales link:
After all that momentum
it feel a bit like “the wheels have fallen off” again, but I'm
sure the situation is temporary. I've not written as much this years
as I would have liked, and the emphasis is starting to shift toward
novels, to take this enterprise to a new level. I'll still be
marketing the short stories and inevitably contributing to the
ongoing arcs I've established, but long-form work is overdue!
Stay tuned for