Sunday, October 6, 2024

Rolling Out The New One!

Okay, I’m rolling it out here late—because I’m so out of touch with the blog there are times I forget it’s clamouring for new posts!

The fact is there’s so much on in Real Life it’s a wonder I can think of specifics at all... Between my second Sherlock Holmes novel half way along and other projects in the offing, I thought I had a lot on, but a serious medical diagnosis in the family changes everything, and there’s nothing you an do but put what needs to be done first, and do it with a will.

Yes, as you see from the header, my second Sherlock Holmes volume is now available. The Remarkable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is my first anthology, collecting ten stories from the pages of Belanger Books anthologies, Strand Magazine and Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, plus brand new stories never seen before.

This is an anthology of my canonical stories to the tune of around 100, 000 words, and was rele4ased in September, 2024, after a very successful Kickstarter campaign that saw the project funded many times over.

The adventures span the years 1881 to 1889, and deal with entirely mortal cases—no supernatural themes or thematic crossovers. All being well, this will be the first in an ongoing series—as indeed is my novel. A second volume is almost complete in terms of contents—I need only two more stories to flesh it out, and The Remarkable Adventures Volume Two will be in the pipeline, though quite when it’ll put in an appearance is an open question.

More certain, my second novel, titled Ravensgate, is in development and should be in the 2025 publishing schedule; and at this point a collection of my Lovecraftian cosmic horror writings is also slated for a 2025 appearance, the manuscript being in preparation at this time—I wrote the foreword this morning!

Here are some useful links. Go here to view the Kickstarter page, which features a marvelous promotional video trailer, courtesy of the multi-talented Brian Belanger:

And here is the Amazon purchase pink, for hardback, paperback and Kindle:

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